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Die TanZebras sagen Danke
Der TanZebras FC sagt Danke!
Danke für eure Unterstützung über die letzten Jahre und insbesondere für das fantastische Engagement, die Kinds vor Ort mit Krankenversicherungen auszustatten.
Vor Ort überschlagen sich aktuell die Ereignisse und wir sind voller Motivation am malochen. Zeitnah gibt es wieder neue Infos für euch!

Der Wortlaut aus Dar-Es-Salaam im Original:

Dear Supporter of the first days,
on behalf of TanZebras Football Club, we would like to express our appreciation for Health-Insurance donation from MSVPortal , Zebraherde e.V. and Fans of Tan Zebras all over Duisburg City from German”
Your support through the years has been greatly influential in accomplishing the achievement of TanZebras FC. It is your continued support that sustains our mission and makes all the difference to develop one stage to another especially now our team is being registered official join fourth division league under the National Sports Council of Tanzania.
As you can see, your ongoing commitment and contribution to our team truly means the world to players and Tanzanian`s community.
Once again, thanks you very much, Hope we will be a Giant Football Team and Smart”
Please feel free to contact www.tanzebras.com if you have any specific questions, don't hesitate to ask.
We hope to see us in Tanzania, let´s write history together
Vielen Dank / Ahsante Sana